12 July 2009

The Small Stuff

The wind blew all day, a week ago yesterday, here in the Riverworld.  It blew so forcefully that the water level in the creek dropped significantly and was obvious while it was happening, as the water pulled away from the shore (sort of reminded me of Moses, not that I was there).  It still has not come back up to the normal level, and now ice rims the shore since the temperature has dropped and the sluice is slushy with ice.

Amid our busy days, it is the simple joy of watching the sun play on the surface of the water, birds dive for food and ducks stream along through the creek, squirrels scamper through the trees, "our" blue heron sit statuesquely on the marshy point, and of course, watching the glorious sunsets, that capture our attention.

Since moving to Dawson’s Creek, God's presence in the "small stuff" has become even more evident and has reinforced our belief that he does indeed pay attention to the ordinary and is in fact the master of detail.

Cindy B. Stevens
24 December 2000

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